


4.商务英语句子翻译(谢绝翻译软件, 满意必追加悬赏分)


Your client also shall know the price raised, as the situation is so tense in Libya at the moment,and its' an undoued fact that oil price are raising and currency inflation in all the world.



price做名词有:价格;价钱;物价 的意思,Eg:oil price,石油价格

代价的意思~(of sth)

的意思EG:Six to one is good price for that horse.那匹马有六比一的赔 率很不错。


Eg:competitive price 有竞争力的定价

pricing policy定价政策



石油 [shí yóu]

petroleum oil


litholine light petroleum spirit rock oil earth oil fossil oil petr petroleumrock oil rock tar naphtha geoline black gold bergol



The oil will be refined.


The price of oil has gone up.


The oil company will ship out piping and hey equipment.

海词广告: 全球三亿白领的交友圈 学外语,交外国真朋友

0?8 Dict.CN 在线词典 更多解释句酷双语例句


Naturally occurring rock oil is referred to as crude oil or petroleum.


-- 英汉 - 辞典例句

Crude oil can be refined into various petroleum products.


-- 英汉 - 辞典例句

Petroleum or oil photogeology is primarily an evaluation of bedrock conditions.


-- 英汉 - 辞典例句

A great deal of the talk was about oil.


-- 英汉 - 辞典例句

As far as oil energy is concerned, we cannot be too frugal.


-- 英汉 - 辞典例句

But it was actually the automobile that made petroleum so very useful.


-- 英汉 - 辞典例句

Coal and rock oil, or petroleum, are of great value as fuels.


-- 英汉 - 辞典例句

Maybe they are going to jack up the price of oil.


-- 英汉 - 辞典例句

Oil is cracked by heating under pressure.


-- 英汉 - 辞典例句

Some countries suggested that the price of oil be pegged down.



油价52美元在4月2日(新华)股票飙升使美元软弱,汹涌奔腾上向上飞升--原油回来在52美国美元,一星期四桶右手击球员的左后方场地经过一在股票市场和一减弱的美元中强劲的上升支持的之上跳. 亮,甜美未加工对于五月投递获得4.25美元或者几乎百分之9在54.64美元把一只桶传给商人的交流.油价一直在紧密随着股本的波动到来.当美国财政会计标准板放松记号-向-市场规定和G20领袖在伦敦同意增强全球性经济复苏时,星期四随着所有的主修课召集华尔街把上升的百分之以上百分之2编入索引. 投资者基本上对负的报告失业数据和天然气盘货应付一个创纪录的高点无所谓.美国劳动部门说在超过26年中失业水平是最高和美国能源Department的能源信息管理报告天然气inventories支持住在朝派地面下层存储在朝派较低48州are32.1百分之一高与相比一年前和百分之22.4在上方的五-年平均为. 在伦敦,布伦特未加工的对于五月投递上升4.31美元,在52.75美元把一只桶传给冰未来中交换.

商务英语句子翻译(谢绝翻译软件, 满意必追加悬赏分)

Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.?

Write at least 250 words.?

Sample answer

Traffic and pollution problems produced by vehicles he become issues that bother both s and citizens in many major cities across the world.

Recently, some people propose that the best way to cope with this problem is to increase the oil price. I personally believe that pricing is too simple an roach to ease traffic pressure and air contamination.?

Admittedly, raising oil price might be helpful to limit the number of cars?to some?extent. This is mainly because the higher fuel cost would increase the financial burden on erage people and families who he limited disposable income, as well as those who do not he urgent demand for a private car. Under this policy, the general public are very likely to turn to public transport modes which are more affordable, rather than drive on their own for commuting or sightseeing. With less vehicles on the road, the traffic system will run more efficiently and the harmful emissions produced by transport such as CO2 and atmospheric particles will be reduced accordingly.

However, the outcome of the pricing policy could turn in an opposite way. For example,? considering the financial pressure on ordinary people, we can expect huge social complaints after the implementation of this policy,which forces them to spend less in shopping and other sectors that closely related to their quality of life. As a matter of fact, compared with raising the price of oil, roaches such as improving the choices of public transport services and developing eco-friendly energy seem more innovative and sustainable. For example, it is feasible for the to build more underground systems and sky trains in big cities. If sufficient and more affordable public transportation tools are offered to city dwellers, the reliance on private vehicles will drop significantly. Besides,?Once clean energy such as solar power and electric cars were put into use on a large scale, the air contamination could be eased to a large extent.?

In conclusion, pricing is neither the best nor the sole solution to deal with the problem.? More effective methods, ranging from improving transport choices to exploring new energy, are better to be taken by authorities when dealing with traffic and environmental issues.?









people propose that:有人提出...

too simple an roach: 方法太过于简单

pricing/ charging:收费,调价政策 (价格调控)

ease traffic pressure:减通压力

air contamination:空气污染

fuel cost:燃料成本

increase financial burden on sb: 增加…的财务负担

erage people and families;普通人,普通家庭

disposable income:可支配收入

less urgent demand:需求不紧急

Turn to: 转向…? ( search for? 寻求帮助或办法)


Rather than do: 而不是...

commuting or sightseeing: 通勤或观光

atmospheric ?particles:大气颗粒物

social complaints:社会抱怨

the combination of: 结合…(手段,方式)

eco-friendly energy sources:环保型能源

major cities:大城市

it is imperative that:迫在眉睫的是

sustainable and renewable:adj. 可持续,可再生

pollution- free:adj.无污染的,

put sth into use:将…投入使用

higher fuel cost:更高的燃油费

enhance awareness of:加强…的意识。

low-carbon ?life:低碳生活

advocate/promote:vt. ?倡导

1 在美国和其它主要石油进口国家因国际油价下降而趁机大量进口石油,使得欧佩克的权益受损的情况下,欧佩克在星期二对减少石油输出以控制石油价格的稳定达成了一致。

2 11月30号,当霍多尔科夫斯基的股票被俄国检察官冻结时,大家对尤克斯公司的信心被彻底的打破。

3 虽然去年纺织品输出十年来第一次跌落,但值得欣喜的是前半个时期的跌落已经终止了,从第四季度的记录来看每年平均增长百分之四。
