

3.With gas prices constantly increasing 随着油价的持续增长。这里 increase 为什么要用动名词形式呢?





Oil tax reform

January 1 refined oil prices since the implementation of tax reform, oil prices did not increase, but the various sectors of the reform program has been mixed. Embody the oil tax reform and more and more tax, reform of taxes and fees for oil prices after the implementation of the impact, we think it is more reasonable oil prices, the additional fuel tax and the abolition of the maintenance fee was basically the same, the cost of keeping a car impact Great.

Reform program has given full consideration to the interests of all parties, especially the countries from January 1 to lower gas prices ahead of schedule to implement, but also highlights the principle of giving benefits to the people. The oil tax reform reflects the "multi-fuel, multi-tax; less fuel and less tax," the principle of a fair tax burden will be beneficial to society as a whole energy-sing awareness of emission reduction.

Transport enterprises of "worries" under the current situation in the finished oil tax reform, a more reasonable timing. Passenger motor vehicle industry, refined oil tax reform is a good thing. Oil tax reform before the introduction of No. 0 diesel price to 6.03 yuan a liter, but also to pay road maintenance fees and other costs. But tax and fee reform, road maintenance, passenger surcharge, transported tube is not only not he to pay fees, and oil prices also dropped to 4.88 yuan per liter. Which is not difficult to see, enterprise burden indeed a substantial margin.

However, due to uncertainty over oil prices, road transport enterprises to implement tax reform finished oil prices he the potential concerns, and that is changing oil prices. If the current 4.88 yuan per liter for diesel prices to adapt to the international oil price of 47 U.S. dollars a barrel standard, then, if international oil prices rose to 94 U.S. dollars, domestic oil prices if it will be doubled? If so, the pressure of the passenger business is unbearable.

In addition, the implementation of tax and fee reform, the secondary road charges will be withdrawn in an orderly manner, but "orderly withdrawal" is how a concept or make it difficult to understand. On the current situation in the province, highway fees or very common, many secondary roads toll stations he not yet withdrawn.




 Now match the name of each person (36- 40) to the ropriate statement.

 Note: there are two extra statements.


 36. Jennifer

 37. Paul

 38. Mike

 39. Henry

 40. Jeff

 A. I'll buy online only when I he to.

 B. You can enjoy steep discounts with most online sellers.

 C. I shift between buying on or off line depending on what suits me.

 D. Shopping is not only a necessary task but a sociable pleasure.

 E. Online selling helps to satisfy my special needs in buying.

 F. Buying online is far from being as good as it is boasted to be.

 G. Buying online can se you a lot only if you find the right online sellers.

 阅读Part C)


 Read the following text from which five sentences he been removed, choose from the sentences A-G the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (41-45). There are Two extra sentences that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

 ?Any les today? Effie asked cheerfully at my window. I followed her to her truck and bought a kilo. On credit,of course. 41 "Pay me whenever you like," said Effie, climbing back into her truck.

 All pretense of payment was dropped when our funds, food and fuel decreased to alarming lows. Effie came often, always bringing some gift: a jar of peaches or some firewood. There were other generosities. Our baby was not doing well, so Effie financed my wife's trip to New York for consultation with a specialist.

 42 Her income, derived from investments she had made while running an interior decorating shop, had never exceeded $ 200 a month, which she supplemented by selling her les. But she always managed to help someone poorer.

 Years passed before I was able to return the money Effie had given me from time to time. She was. ill now and had aged rapidly in the last year. "Here, darling," I said, ?is what I owe you.?Don' t give it to me all at once,? she said. "43" I think she believed there was magic in the slow discharge of a love de.

 The simple fact is that I never repaid the whole amount to Effie, for she died a few weeks later. 44 But a curious thing began to hen.

 Whenever I saw a fellow human in financial trouble, I was moved to help him. I can't afford to do this always, but in the ten years since Effie's death, I he indirectly repaid my de to her.

 The oddest part of the whole affair is that people whom I help often help others later on. 45 So the account can never be marked closed, for Effie's love will go on in hearts that he never known her.

 A.At that time, it seemed that my de would forever go unsettled.

 B. Give your help to those in greater need.

 C. Effie was not a rich woman.

 D. Effie worked diligently all her life.

 E. Cash was the one thing in the world I lacked just then.

 F. By now, the few dollars Effie ge me he been multiplied many times.

 G. Give it back as I ge it to you--a little at a time.

 阅读Part D)


 Read the following text from which 10 words he been removed. Choose from the words A-0 the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (46-55). There are FIVE extra words that you do not need to use. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.

 It can be a special experience to go on a family trip during the holiday season, but one reason that many parents 46 to stay home is the cost of trel. Here are some ways of reducing your trel 47

 Flying is a fast way to arrive at your destination, but the cost of airline tickets can really add up if you are buying flights for the whole family. Often, it is cheaper to pay for gas 48 the whole family can fit in the car, 49 with the current decreases in gas prices.

 If your destination is too far to drive to, you should look at a variety of 50 for your flight times. For example, it is often cheaper to fly on Christmas day instead of flying a few days before Christmas. Also, 51 early morning flights is cheaper than treling during peak times during the day.

 Eating out 52 you are on the road can quickly increase the trip cost, and it's much cheaper to stop at the grocery store, planning your own food 53 If you plan to eat out, then it' s usually cheaper to eat at a restaurant during breakfast or lunch, 54 you to skip the higher dinner prices.

 Also, it might be cheaper to visit an all-inclusive resort. These resorts include all the meals and a variety of activities, and many of them he children's activities so that the kids can 55 entertained during the trip.


 B. if

 C. begin

 D. choose

 E. driving

 F. Especially

 G. Expenses

 H. instead

 I. before

 J. options

 K. Stay

 L. Taking

 M. too

 N. Troubles

 O. while


 31.B  32.D  33.C  34.B  35.

 37.D 37.E  38.C  39.A  40.G

 41.E 42.C 43.G 44.F45.A







 46.D  47.G  48.B  49.F  50.J

 51.L  52.O  53.H  54.A  55.K




The international oil market is rapidly ever-changing with the oil price skyrocketting. From 2002 to 2005, the price kept climing up nearly in every month. the erage monthly raise is 3.6%. In 2002 the oil selling price is 1178 per ton,1454 yuan per ton in 2003 ,1923 yuan per ton in 2004 , in the first five months of 2005 the price reached 2603 yuan per ton. From 2002 to 2005, the annual growth is 30.2%.


On April the fourth, 2005, NYMEX light sweet crude oil price surged to a record of $58.28 a barrel, hitting new record, the highest closing price since 1983.


Infulenced by the current futher deterating situation in middle east,The international crude oil price will maintain at a high level in quite a long period of time. the strong price will not only has great influence on the global economy, but also add more its influence on the oil security of international regimes.


With gas prices constantly increasing 随着油价的持续增长。这里 increase 为什么要用动名词形式呢?

1.答案 B

[A] so 因此(表因果) [B] but 但是(表转折)

[C] as 由于(表因果) [D] although 虽然(表让步)

2.答案 C

[A] resource [B] database 数据库

[C] communication 交流,交往,通信 [D] intranet 企业内部网

3.答案 A

[A] pair 一对(合作的人) [B] sociologist s 社会学家

[C] spouse 一对夫妇 [D] universities 大学

4.答案 D

[A] range (from … to…) 在……间浮动(变动)

[B] differ (from … to…) 不一致,不同

[C] vary (from … to…) 变化,不同,有差异

[D] spread (from … to…) 传染,传播,散布

5.答案 D

[A] between [B] among [C] in [D] through

6.答案 C

[A] consequent 随之发生的 [B] controversial 有争议的

[C] similar 相似的,类似的 [D] diffident 缺乏信心的

7.答案 A

[A] issue 论点,(探讨的)问题 [B] dispute 争议,争论

[C] problem 难题,(需要解决的)问题 [D] question 疑问

8.答案 B

[A] cultivate 培养 [B] kick 踢,拒绝,戒除

[C] lee 离开,遗弃 [D] tick 嘀嗒的响,做记号

考点 词义辨析

9.答案 D

[A] how 关系副词 [B] that 关系代词

[C] what 关系代词 [D] whether 连词

考点 逻辑关系

10.答案 B

[A] surprisingly 令人惊讶地 [B] simultaneously 同时地

[C] spontaneously 自然地,本能地 [D] strongly 强烈地

11.答案 C

[A] neither 两者都不 [B] none 一个也没有

[C] both 两者(都) [D] which 关系代词

12.答案 B

[A] made a companion (of) 结为伙伴

[B] took advantage (of) 借助于……,应用(利用)……

[C] took an attitude (of) 取……的态度

[D] had the best (of) 胜过……

13.答案 D

[A] concerned 挂念的,关心的 [B] excluded 排除在外的

[C] encouraged 被鼓励的 [D] connected有关系的

14.答案 A

[A] totaled 总计…… [B] increased 增长

[C] summed (up to) 总计…… [D] added 累加

15.答案 C

[A] filling 填充 [B] blocking 阻碍

[C] fueling 促进 [D] contributing (to) 起作用,导致,贡献

16.答案 A

[A] swayed 摆布,控制 [B] deviated 使背离

[C] bettered 改善 [D] deteriorated 恶化

17.答案 B

[A] (in) order (that) 为了,表目的

[B] (in) ways (that) 以……的方式,表方式

[C] (for)fear (that) 唯恐,以免,表目的

[D] (in) case (that) 以免,表目的

18.答案 A

[A] it [B] there [C] they [D] if

考点 词义辨析

19.答案 D

[A] (for …) reasons 基于……的原因

[B] (for)keeps 永远

[C] (for)good 一劳永逸

[D] (for…)purposes 表目的

20.答案 C

[A] banning 禁止,取缔 [B] promoting 促进

[C] fighting 与……斗争,抵制 [D] committing 犯(错误),干(坏事)

第二部分 阅读理解

21.答案 A

21. Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs? 21. 根据前两段可知以下哪项正确?

[A] Doctors’ confession of mistakes and apologies help to better medical care. [A] 医生承认医疗失误并致歉有助于提高医疗质量。

[B] Experts believe it an inefficient way for patients to sue for their livery [B] 专家认为诉讼索要财产是一种无效手段。

[C] Mistreated patients never sue once suffer an unpreventable adverse medical outcome. [C] 被误诊的病人一旦遭遇不可避免的不良治疗结果从不起诉。

[D] The details of patients’ conditions are often kept secret. [D] 病人的详细情况往往被隐瞒。

22.答案 D

22. While many specialties call for a disclosure mechanism, some physicians are worrying about ____. 22. 虽然许多专家呼吁披露机制,但一些医生担心____。

[A] exposure to the media [A] 面对媒体

[B] describing their mistakes in details [B] 详细描述他们的错误

[C] compensating victims promptly and fairly [C] 及时合理的给予患者补偿

[D] involvement in an expensive civil case [D] 卷入昂贵的诉讼

23.答案 D

23. According to Paragraph 5, laws are enacted in more than 30 states ____. 23. 根据第五段,在30多个州颁布法案的目的是____。

[A] to be adopted by other states [A] 被其它州纳

[B] to become federal law [B] 成为联邦法律

[C] to make apologies for medical misconducts [C] 为医疗失误而致歉

[D] to spark medical practitioners to confess more [D] 为了鼓励医疗从业者更加坦白

24.答案 B

24. From the last paragraph, we can infer that Doctors should describe the way they made mistakes in order to ____. 24. 从最后一段,我们可以推断出医生应该描述他们的错误过程,从而____。

[A] admit malpractices first [A] 首先承认错误

[B] make less medical mistakes [B] 减少医疗失误

[C] oid lawsuits [C] 避免法律诉讼

[D] be forgiven [D] 被原谅

25.答案 C

25. The author’s attitude towards doctors’ hearty apologies may be summarized as ____. 25. 作者对“医生诚挚道歉”的态度可以被归纳为____。

[A] skeptical [A] 怀疑的

[B] indifferent [B] 漠不关心的

[C] supportive [C] 支持的

[D] intolerable [D] 无法容忍的

Text 2

26.答案 C

26. In the opening paragraph, the author introduces his topic by ____. 26. 在文章开始段落,作者引入主题的方法是____。

[A] posing a contrast [A] 形成对照

[B] justifying an assumption [B] 证明一种设的正确性

[C] making a comparison [C] 做出比较

[D] explaining a phenomenon [D] 解释一种现象

27.答案 B

27. The word “balkanization” (line 7, paragraph 2) most probably means____. 27. (第二段第七行)词语balkanization的含义最可能是____。

[A] ignorance [A] 无知

[B] split [B] 割裂

[C] mistake [C] 错误

[D] declination [D] 偏差

28.答案 D

28. According to paragraph 3, New Humanities Initiative is a program that ____? 28. 根据第三段,新人文开端是一个____的课程?

[A] is ambitious enough to create new discipline [A] 志向远大足以产生新课程

[B] will gain popularity for Binghamton University [B] 将在宾汉顿大学流行

[C] can bridge the gap between sciences and human [C] 可以弥合自然科学和人类的沟壑

[D] is a combination of sciences and arts [D] 是由自然科学和人文科学结合而来

29.答案 B

29. By citing the example of Darwin, Dr. Wilson intends to show that ____. 29. 通过引用达尔文的例子,威尔逊博士意在表明____。

[A] qualitative information is more valuable than quantitative observations [A] 定性的信息比定量的观察更有价值

[B] it is preferable to take the mutual advantage of science and humanities [B] 最好利用自然科学和人文科学共有的优势

[C] science has more similarities rather than differences than humanities [C] 自然科学比起人文科学相似性大于差异性

[D] scientists should base their theory on qualitative information [D] 科学家应把理论建立在定息的基础上

30.答案 A

30. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? 30. 以下哪一项是本文最好的标题?

[A] Curriculum Designed to Unite Art and Science [A] 为统合人文科学和自然科学而设计的课程

[B] A Better Scholar who Abandoned Physics for Novel [B] 一个弃理从文的进取学者

[C] A Disastrous War between Science and Humanities [C] 自然科学和人文科学之间的灾难性的战争

[D] Dr. Wilson’s Contribution to the American Education [D] 威尔逊博士对美国教育的贡献

Text 3

31.答案 D

31. Senate Democrats were angry with the oilmen because ____. 31. 民主党议员对石油行业不满,因为____。

[A] they get tax-free pay packages [A] 他们获取免税综合工资

[B] Congress took on actions but in vain [B] 国会取了行动但是无效

[C] the showdowns were merely a routine [C] 摊牌仅仅是例行公事

[D] oil prices had risen so high [D] 石油价格飞涨

32.答案 C

32. From the text we can learn that the bill allowing OPEC to be sued under antitrust laws ____. 32. 从文章中我们可以得知,允许依据反托拉斯法诉讼欧佩克的法案____。

[A] handicaps more drilling and exploration for domestic oil [A] 阻碍进一步开国内石油

[B] is a kind of intervention that only makes things worse [B] 是一种仅仅会恶化局势的干预

[C] turns out to be less influential to decrease oil price rapidly [C] 对迅速降低油价没有太大作用

[D] is in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act [D] 违反了谢尔曼反托拉斯法

33.答案 C

33. The roval of the bill, NOPEC, on Tuesday implies that ____? 33. 星期二“反欧佩克”法案的正式批准意味着____。

[A] it is necessary to impose tax on windfall profits [A] 有必要征“暴利税”

[B] it is urgent to fight against monopoly [B] 反垄断迫在眉睫

[C] it is pressing to think much of the ever-increasing oil prices [C] 必须尽快重视不断上涨的油价

[D] it is important to resort to NOPEC [D] 诉诸“反欧佩克”法案很重要

34.答案 A

34. According to Democratic senators, which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to soaring oil prices? 34. 根据民主党议员的观点,以下哪一点没有促使油价飞涨?

[A] the basic laws of supply and demand [A] 基本供求规律

[B] the monopoly of oil-producing countries [B] 石油出产国的垄断

[C] speculation in the oil futures markets [C] 石油期货市场投机

[D] oil companies salivating over profits [D] 石油公司垂涎于利益

35.答案 B

35. What can we infer form the last paragraph? 35. 从最后一段我们能推断出什么?

[A] The nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve is more than adequate. [A] 本国战略石油储备绰绰有余

[B] Democrats argue that greedy oil companies are the key factor of jumping oil price [B] 民主党人认为贪婪的石油公司是油价上涨的主要原因

[C] President Bush used to be reluctant to drag down the oil price. [C] 布什总统曾不愿降低油价

[D] The federal law bans the windfall profits tax in Bush Government. [D] 在布什中联邦法律禁止“暴利税”

二 、试题解析

36.答案 A

36. From the first two paragraphs, we learn that ____ . 36. 从文章前两段我们可以得知____。

[A] aging brains tend to process more information simultaneously [A] 老年人的头脑往往能同时处理更多的信息

[B] one becomes forgetful when he gets old [B] 人老了就变得健忘

[C] older people don’t think their brainpower is declining [C] 老年人不认为自己智能在衰退

[D] the aged always stress long-term benefit [D] 老年人总是强调长期利益

37.答案 A

37. Older adults tend to be forgetful because of ____. 37. 老年人往往健忘,由于____。

[A] their broader range of attention [A] 他们有更加宽广的注意广度

[B] the harm of Alzheimer’s disease [B] 他们受阿尔茨海默病的侵害

[C] their wide information [C] 他们博学多闻

[D] their frustration from limited attention [D] 他们因注意力有限而沮丧

38.答案 D

38. The studies mentioned in paragraph 3 suggest that ____. 38. 第三段所提及的研究表明____。

[A] it is advisable for the old to read slowly [A] 老年人最好缓缓阅读

[B] out-of-place words are never negligible [B] 不恰当的词语不容忽略

[C] there is nothing that can distract young people [C] 没什么东西能够干扰年轻人

[D] old people may be more attentive in face of distractions [D] 老年人面对干扰时可能更注意

39.答案 C

39. What can we infer form the last paragraph? 39. 我们从最后一段可以推导出什么?

[A] old people’s forgetfulness turns to be their advantages [A] 老年人的健忘却是他们的优势

[B] the meaning of a point in a memo is changing anytime [B] 备忘录中信息的含义随时都在改变

[C] wide attention is actually valuable in daily life [C] 日常生活中大范围的注意力事实上很有价值

[D] extra details he impacts on one’s focus of attention [D] 额外的细节对一个人的注意力有影响

40.答案 B

40. The text intends to tell us that ____. 40. 这篇文章试图告诉我们____。

[A] a brain with disease is a brain with wisdom [A] 患有疾病的大脑是充满智慧的大脑

[B] an older brain may be a wiser brain [B] 老人的大脑可能是一个更聪明的大脑

[C] brains do deteriorate with age [C] 智能岁年纪增长而退化

[D] how an older brain processes information [D] 大脑如何加工信息

二 、试题解析

参考答案 41. E 42. C 43. F 44. D 45. G





如:The English class ended with all singing an English song.英语课以全体合唱一首英语歌而结束。(singing与with的宾语all有逻辑上的主谓关系。)

同例,例句With gas prices constantly increasing 中的price和increasing存在逻辑上的主谓关系




Before he came here, my father used to sleep with his eyes open.我父亲来这儿之前,常常睁着眼睛睡觉。(注意:with不能用while来替换。)(表示伴随情况)

2).with+名词+副词:常用的副词是:in, on, over, out等。

如:He was standing there with nothing on.他一丝不挂地站在那里。(表示伴随情况。)

We went home with our work over.我们工作做完就回家了。(表示时间。)


如:The teacher came into the classroom with a book in his hand.= The teacher came into the classroom, book in hand.老师手里拿着本书走进了教室。(表示伴随情况。)

The soldier had him stand with his back to his father.士兵让他背向着父亲站着。(表示行为方式。)


如:He stood for an instant with his hand still raised.他站了一刹那,他的手仍然举着。(raised与with的宾语hand有逻辑上的动宾关系。)

I will he to buy a new one with my glasses broken.(broken与with的宾语glasses有逻辑上的动宾关系。)


如:With something important to talk about with you, you must stay here.由于有很重要的事情和你商量,你必须留下。(表示原因。)


例如:“My wife did not go to work yesterday with my father being ill.”可转换成“My father being ill, my wife did not go to work yesterday.我的妻子昨天没去上班,因为我父亲有病了。

“She coming, please let me know.”可转换成“Please let me know with her coming.如果他来了,请通知我一声。



[词典] higher fuel prices;?oil?price?increases;?Rising oil prices





Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.?

Write at least 250 words.?

Sample answer

Traffic and pollution problems produced by vehicles he become issues that bother both s and citizens in many major cities across the world.

Recently, some people propose that the best way to cope with this problem is to increase the oil price. I personally believe that pricing is too simple an roach to ease traffic pressure and air contamination.?

Admittedly, raising oil price might be helpful to limit the number of cars?to some?extent. This is mainly because the higher fuel cost would increase the financial burden on erage people and families who he limited disposable income, as well as those who do not he urgent demand for a private car. Under this policy, the general public are very likely to turn to public transport modes which are more affordable, rather than drive on their own for commuting or sightseeing. With less vehicles on the road, the traffic system will run more efficiently and the harmful emissions produced by transport such as CO2 and atmospheric particles will be reduced accordingly.

However, the outcome of the pricing policy could turn in an opposite way. For example,? considering the financial pressure on ordinary people, we can expect huge social complaints after the implementation of this policy,which forces them to spend less in shopping and other sectors that closely related to their quality of life. As a matter of fact, compared with raising the price of oil, roaches such as improving the choices of public transport services and developing eco-friendly energy seem more innovative and sustainable. For example, it is feasible for the to build more underground systems and sky trains in big cities. If sufficient and more affordable public transportation tools are offered to city dwellers, the reliance on private vehicles will drop significantly. Besides,?Once clean energy such as solar power and electric cars were put into use on a large scale, the air contamination could be eased to a large extent.?

In conclusion, pricing is neither the best nor the sole solution to deal with the problem.? More effective methods, ranging from improving transport choices to exploring new energy, are better to be taken by authorities when dealing with traffic and environmental issues.?









people propose that:有人提出...

too simple an roach: 方法太过于简单

pricing/ charging:收费,调价政策 (价格调控)

ease traffic pressure:减通压力

air contamination:空气污染

fuel cost:燃料成本

increase financial burden on sb: 增加…的财务负担

erage people and families;普通人,普通家庭

disposable income:可支配收入

less urgent demand:需求不紧急

Turn to: 转向…? ( search for? 寻求帮助或办法)


Rather than do: 而不是...

commuting or sightseeing: 通勤或观光

atmospheric ?particles:大气颗粒物

social complaints:社会抱怨

the combination of: 结合…(手段,方式)

eco-friendly energy sources:环保型能源

major cities:大城市

it is imperative that:迫在眉睫的是

sustainable and renewable:adj. 可持续,可再生

pollution- free:adj.无污染的,

put sth into use:将…投入使用

higher fuel cost:更高的燃油费

enhance awareness of:加强…的意识。

low-carbon ?life:低碳生活

advocate/promote:vt. ?倡导

Latly, with the recovery of the world's economy, the demand of the curual oil dramastically increased out of people's expectation. Terrorist attack, strike and the instability of politics for the oil producing countries plusing the speculator's advocate, cause the oil price to sour to 49.40 dollor on August 20th, which is the highest in the last two decades. And this arise people's highly attention. For China, we are in the process of the fast developement, our demand for the oil increase abruptly, the high price of the oil will definately bring some negelative effects to the running of our economy and people's life. However, how deep the affection goes? Will it be something we can handle?

This article will analyse affection of the increasing oil price to our economy, and bring up some suggestions on how to solve it.

Thank you!